Friday, 23 January 2015

experimental portrait project evaluation

Experimental portrait project evaluation

I decided to choose another person to study rather than myself as I felt it would be easier to draw someone who I see most of the time instead of myself as I can’t look at myself when creating the pieces. I decided the artists I would research were Maggi Hambling, baptise and Andy Warhol I chose these three artists because I felt that they were more detailed in their artwork and doing an example of Maggi Hamblings work helped me when painting a my peer, I also learnt from my previous topic to be more observant and pay close attention to certain colours and where they should be placed.
I believe my mood boards were quite affective as I used a range of different media on several images and also included some of my peers interests into it as well which I think resonates well with the pieces. Although I would’ve liked to include several other types of media e.g. brusho ink and bleach. On my final piece I could’ve incorporated more into my piece taking into account for me the main goal was it had to look good, I don’t think certain media like sgraffito would’ve worked well with it. Overall I believe I have improved upon my experimental drawing skills as I only used what I was comfortable with instead of things that were new to me even though I didn’t use many different kinds on my final piece.
I feel I have improved upon time management as I managed to get everything done but I feel that because I enjoyed this project more than the others before it helped me remain focused on my work and get my work finished to a better standard . I feel I have created good mood boards and a good final piece although I would’ve been happier if I had included more media to both as it might’ve improved upon my pieces.
I enjoyed this project more as it explored things I’m more comfortable with which is why I think this project has gone better than the others before it and also why I think that my quality of work has improved and I have also found myself drawing things related toward my peer I based this project on for example he enjoys fashion and models and I drew several fashion designer sheets including characters from Disney which he likes as well.

Thursday, 15 January 2015


peter clark

Peter Clark

Peter Clark is a collage artist mainly he uses newspaper in his art he also concentrates on the animal kingdom in his work, although he does make pieces unrelated to them for example he created a biker jacket made of bibles, when asked about this he stated that “I try to inflict what amuses me onto my work”. Most collage artists their pieces of artwork out of newspaper or tissue paper peter Clark also uses maps and many other sources.
I like Peter Clarks work due to his variety of sources and how he manages to fit them perfectly together introducing colour and shading into his pieces. In his work I enjoy how he uses maps in his work which I believe add more character to it and I believe it also suggest a journey. Also I like the way he mixes his work with small ironic gestures. It also must be very difficult to do collage work because you have to find pieces of paper that fit in with the design.