Jonathan Borofsky “molecule man”
On this piece Jonathan
Borofsky tells a story of the human race coming together to create one existence.
He demonstrates that humans are mostly made up of water and air and the three people
colliding give an impression of not only atoms joining together but people too
to create a community. He has placed several of these sculptures all over the
first in la then Yorkshire then Berlin and then Council Bluffs including some
indoor versions. I like how he makes something large to go with a large
statement although I’m not entirely sure what the story behind it is I feel
like there is something missing or if he’s trying to say something different,
explaining perhaps we are all empty and hollow but we come together to change
that by building a structure, we are what we make of it that sort of thing. I don’t
like his work because I find it difficult for a story to come across in
sculpture form there are instances where it does work for me but I don’t see it
that much on this piece although I do like it as a monument I think it would be
good for it to become part of the country’s history and heart.
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