Wednesday, 6 May 2015

glossary of terms

Applied to art, avant-garde means art that is innovatory, introducing or exploring new forms or subject matter
Kinetic art:
is art that depends on motion for its effects
e.g. Alexander Calder- Antennae with Red and Blue Dots 1960
Installation art:
is used to describe mixed-media constructions or assemblages usually designed for a specific place and for a temporary period of time
e.g. Cornelia Parker Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View 1991 &   Rachel Whiteread
Figurative art 
Describes any form of modern art that retains strong references to the real world and particularly to the human figure e.g. Picasso 
Abstract art
 is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect; it could be based on a subject such as a figure, landscape or object or may have no source at all in the external world e.g. : Kandinsky

-Someone who makes or draws lines, useful for mark making
Stop motion : Onion skinning 
-onion skinning is a process on stop motion that allows the animator to view multiple frames at once
Meditate and synthesis an image 
-I couldnt find anything on this really, but from what i can guess and the way i see it, it means to look at an image and really think about it and put it into your own words?
Zoetrope: Reciprocal Action & Persistence of vision  -The zoetropes motion helps to create the illusion of living animation, but it is just drawings that create a fluid animation when in motion
Objets trouvés -it is a phrase used to describe art created from everyday objects that have been altered in some way that dont have an art function, picasso was the first person to try this by when he pasted a printed image of chair caning onto his painting titled Still Life with Chair Caning 
Theater d'ombre -in basic terms it is shadow play, using light to tell a story, and has been used consistently throughout the project.

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